Here are all the blog posts we have on the site that relate to the CONTI+ CNX smart water management system. Contact us to find out more about how the CNX system works and how it might help your organisation.

Upgrade your washrooms – improvements you can make whether you’re retrofitting or going for a full refit

Traditional washrooms can be extremely wasteful of both water and energy and can generate significant amounts of waste and have a substantial carbon footprint. However, this is one area of the organisation where it is possible to make very significant improvements relatively easily. Here are a range of suggestions to consider, some will be most relevant to those who are considering a washroom refit but others can easily be deployed in existing washrooms.

Upgrade your washrooms – improvements you can make whether you’re retrofitting or going for a full refit Read More »

How a digital water management system can help you address your water management health and safety obligations more effectively

In this blog post I’m going to outline some of the ways in which a digital water management system such as the CONTI+ CNX can help you meet your health and safety obligations and improve the effectiveness of your water management processes, as well as reducing the time and resource associated with maintaining a safe environment.

How a digital water management system can help you address your water management health and safety obligations more effectively Read More »

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