Rainwater harvesting,
greywater recycling and stormwater management

Our philosophy is to deliver commercially sustainable rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling solutions. Organisations should first look to re-use water before discharging it into sewers and water courses, and therefore reduce the potential for flooding. Our approach can best be described as integrated non-potable water management.

About our solutions

Rainwater harvesting

Rainwater harvesting enables you to reduce water consumption by re-using water that runs off your roof and draining water from hard standing areas.

A professionally designed and installed rainwater harvesting system will deliver water quality that will be more than sufficient for non potable applications such as WC flushing, laundry and so on.

Grey water recycling

Greywater recycling involves collecting water from baths, showers, sinks, dishwashers and other sources so that it can then be reused in washing machines, to flush toilets and in your outside tap.

Firstly, the greywater passes through a coarse filter to remove large dirt particles (hair etc), it then enters an aerobic treatment buffer tank where it is aerated. Finally, the water passes through the BMT membrane and into a clear water storage tank.

The water is then pumped via the Aqua Control booster pump set to the serviced appliances, if however there is no greywater available or the tanks are undergoing maintenance then the AC unit will automatically revert to mains water using a WRAS compliant air gap.

Stormwater harvesting

Stormwater harvesting involves the collection, storage, treatment and reuse of stormwater run off in urban areas via the drains.

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Chiswick Cricket Club
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Businesses that fail to prepare for future water shortages are likely to struggle

It is vital that businesses take the threat of future droughts seriously and start implementing water efficiency measures, as this article explains.

Why every organisation needs a water management strategy

Many organisations have no idea of the true cost of the water that they use, because that cost is hidden in the balance sheet. Putting in place an effective water management strategy identifies what that cost really is and can help you reduce it very significantly.

Water saving advice for sports clubs

Water is an essential utility for most sports clubs, but unlike most businesses demand for water can be sporadic, seasonal and highly variable. In addition water quality needs will vary dramatically.

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