Why choose URIMAT CS urinals?
Why waterless urinals are the most economical and environmental choice for your washroom
A common misconception regarding urinals is that they are an overly costly, environmentally damaging and high maintenance washroom product. URIMAT waterless urinals are far from this and effectively reduce the economic and environmental cost of a toilet visit.
Busting a few myths about waterless urinals
We regularly talk to people who have considered waterless urinals but decided against installing them because they believe them to be hard to maintain and clean, or likely to smell, or expensive to install or not cost effective. In this blog post we bust some of these most common myths about waterless urinals.
Think that waterless urinals smell bad or are difficult to maintain? Here’s why you’re wrong.
We talk to people every day who are convinced that waterless urinals smell or require more maintenance or are otherwise more work than traditional flushing urinals. However, we absolutely guarantee that URIMAT waterless urinals, maintained correctly, do not smell. Here’s why.
Introducing the revolutionary URIMAT CS self-cleaning urinal
The URIMAT CS comes with a built in cleaning fluid dispenser in the form of the MB Active Trap CS which sits in the urinal drain opening. An LED light flashes green to indicate that the system is ready to use and the programmable cleaning intervals start automatically.
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