Water management strategy

Many organisations have no idea of the true cost of the water that they use, because that cost is hidden in the balance sheet. Putting in place an effective water management strategy identifies what that cost really is and can help you reduce it very significantly. Here are all the blog posts we have on our site with information about putting together a water management strategy. Contact us to find out more about how we can help you.

How universities can become leaders in water saving and sustainability

In this blog post, we will explore various opportunities for saving water across university campuses, highlighting the importance of collective action and offering practical suggestions for creating a more sustainable campus environment as well as cutting water usage (and associated water bills) by anything from 20% to 50%, whilst also reducing energy use and carbon footprint.

How universities can become leaders in water saving and sustainability Read More »

How can Ecoprod help facilities managers be more sustainable?

At Ecoprod we specialise in helping organisations to use less water. Our core focus traditionally has been on washrooms – generally one of the most water-intensive areas of a building – but increasingly we are working on projects that take a holistic approach to water management across a whole building looking at every option from rainwater harvesting to smart leak detection, from water saving technology to behaviour change.

How can Ecoprod help facilities managers be more sustainable? Read More »

What is water neutrality?

Water neutrality means ensuring that any new development does not add to the overall level of water demand in a particular area. A water neutral development will have a net zero impact on mains water supply. The ultimate objective of water neutrality is to minimise a development’s impact on the existing water resources, environment and infrastructure in which it sits.

What is water neutrality? Read More »

How a digital water management system can help you address your water management health and safety obligations more effectively

In this blog post I’m going to outline some of the ways in which a digital water management system such as the CONTI+ CNX can help you meet your health and safety obligations and improve the effectiveness of your water management processes, as well as reducing the time and resource associated with maintaining a safe environment.

How a digital water management system can help you address your water management health and safety obligations more effectively Read More »

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