How to cut water use and wastage in your business

Water scarcity is a pressing issue that organisations can no longer afford to ignore. With much of the country currently in drought and water in short supply across the world, all organisations need to think about how they can use significantly less water.


Reducing water use has obvious environmental benefits – contributing to conserving water and easing long term pressure on resources as well as lowering your organisation’s carbon footprint. Using less water also has substantial financial benefits for your organisation – you’ll save significant sums of money on your water bills (at a time that they’re forecast to rise substantially) as well as future-proofing your business against the impact of droughts and water shortages.

Watch this webinar to learn more about the three pillars of cutting water use in your organisation.

  1. Use less water
  2. Waste less water
  3. Re-use and recycle more water

What we will cover

  • Why saving water is so important
  • The likely future impact of water shortages on businesses
  • The three pillars of water saving
    • Use less water – how water saving technology can help you use less water throughout all areas of your operations
    • Waste less water – advice on how to reduce water wastage by spotting leaks and floods before they have an impact as well as opportunities for behavioural change within your organisation
    • Reuse and recycle your water – how rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling can impact on your overall water usage
  • The importance of having a water management strategy and where to start with developing one
  • How Ecoprod can help you use less water
  • Questions

Who should watch this webinar?

This webinar is designed for anyone who is interested in cutting water use within their organisation. Facilities managers, property managers, financial directors and anyone responsible for any aspect of their organisation’s environmental policies may also find it particularly relevant.

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