Introducing the revolutionary URIMAT CS self-cleaning urinal

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The URIMAT CS comes with a built in cleaning fluid dispenser in the form of the MB Active Trap CS which sits in the urinal drain opening. An LED light flashes green to indicate that the system is ready to use and the programmable cleaning intervals start automatically.

One of the most attractive features of our URIMAT waterless urinal range is how easy the urinals are to clean when compared with traditional flushing urinals. All that your janitorial staff need to do is spray the inside of the bowl regularly with MB ActiveCleaner, a microbiological cleaner that breaks down the urine organically, and wipe with a cloth. There’s no scrubbing required. In fact, it’s really important that your cleaners don’t scrub the interior of the waterless urinal bowls (as they’re probably used to doing with traditional flushing urinals) as doing this can damage the super-smooth surface and introduce microscopic abrasions in which odour-causing bacteria can live.

URIMAT has taken this ‘easy to clean’ approach to the next level with its latest range – the URIMAT CS self-cleaning urinal. The URIMAT CS comes with a built in cleaning fluid dispenser in the form of the MB Active Trap CS which sits in the urinal drain opening. An LED light flashes green to indicate that the system is ready to use and the programmable cleaning intervals start automatically.

The MB Active Trap automatically releases a burst of MB ActiveCleaner at regular intervals (which is programmable), ensuring that the interior of the urinal stays clean and fresh throughout the day. Obviously your janitorial staff will still need to wipe around the urinal’s exterior surface but this system means that the manual work associated with keeping the urinal clean is reduced to really the bare minimum.

See how the URIMAT CS works

The benefits of this system are significant. As well as all the standard benefits of the URIMAT urinal range (saving up to 100,000 litres of water per urinal per year, a much pleasanter washroom environment and so on) you get the added advantage of a significant reduction in the manual intervention required to keep your washroom clean. The LED light on the URIMAT CS system will change from green to red to alert you when the MB ActiveTrap needs to be replaced. It’s a simple matter to remove the empty  MB ActiveCleaner bottle from the trap and screw in a new one – something that your cleaners will be able to do themselves as part of their regular routine.

One of the biggest benefits of this system is that it enables you to keep your urinals clean and fresh throughout the day in between standard cleaning rounds. Perhaps your cleaners only visit each washroom once a day but your washrooms are in regular use. The URIMAT CS system means that the urinals are still being cleaned in between your cleaners’ visits, and also reduces the amount of work that they will need to do when they do visit by keeping the interior of the urinal fresh throughout the day.

The MB ActiveCleaner itself has numerous benefits and is specifically designed to work with waterless urinals to keep them fresh. It has micro-bacterial spores in it which are activated as soon as they come into contact with anything organic, such as the fat, protein and other organic elements found in urine. As soon as the spores are activated they eat all the organic materials that they can find before falling dormant again. They then lie dormant until the next person comes along and uses the urinal.

Other non-biological cleaning products tend to mask odours by forming a temporary cover over the organic matter that can cause smells. This effect will only ever be temporary. In contrast, the bacterial agents in MB Active Cleaner are actively destroying the organic matter that causes odours and can also lead to blocked pipes. MB Active Cleaner also offers another benefit. If used regularly it starts to form a permanent protective layer on the surface that’s being cleaned, helping to further ensure that the area concerned stays clean and odour-free between cleans.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the URIMAT CS self-cleaning urinals please do get in touch.

  • Managing director

    Marcus is a mechanical engineer by training with many years’ experience in the construction industry especially related to mechanical, sanitary and washroom applications.

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