Using sensor taps to manage washrooms safely and efficiently in healthcare environments
Functional safety and ease of maintenance are vital in washrooms across many sectors, none more so than in the healthcare sector. In this blog we discuss some of the many considerations for estates and facilities teams managing healthcare washroom systems.

Functional safety and ease of maintenance are vital in washrooms across many sectors, none more so than in the healthcare sector. I recently wrote an article for the Health Estates Journal in which I discussed some of the many considerations for estates and facilities teams managing healthcare washroom systems. You can download a PDF of the whole article here, but in this blog post I am just going to summarise a few of the key points.
Facilities managers in healthcare environments face a number of challenges. They’re often working with complex building layouts, required to integrated new build and ageing properties. They need to comply with many guidelines and regulations, requiring accurate record keeping, monitoring and auditing. They need to ensure an uninterrupted supply of water, safely and hygienically as well as that patients can use the facilities with comfort and ease. All this against a backdrop of increasing financial challenges.
The case for sensor products in healthcare
Busy washrooms used by many visitors such as those near waiting areas can be kept hygienically clean with the use of touch-free controls. Sensor taps detect user proximity and automatically and reliably control the flow of water from the tap. No physical contact is required so there’s a reduction in the transfer of bacteria that could endanger the health of staff and visitors. Additionally, such devices can reduce water use by up to 70%, a very significant saving on running costs for both water and energy. Sensor taps are also designed to work well for a wide range of patients and visitors including children and those with mobility restrictions.
Unique design guarantees hygienic operation
There is no risk of the solenoid within the sensor tap becoming a breeding ground for bacteria thanks for the unique design of the CONTI+ Ultra tap which means that the water does not even pass through the solenoid.
Especially designed for the health care sector, the Ultra tap has a high discharge spout option that enables handwashing up to the elbows, and the ‘hygiene mode’ for hospitals and medical practices encourages observance of specified handwashing intervals, with a built-in countdown function for theatre scrub application override.
Ease of maintenance
Ease of maintenance is vital and here too sensor taps offer significant advantages. CONTI+ taps enable thermal disinfection, eliminating dangerous Legionella bacterial without chemical contamination of the water.
Sensor taps can also be configured so that they are not inadvertently triggered by reflections in mirrors or even high vis jackets in washroom spaces. Effective washroom design avoids placing mirrors opposite the sensor.
Installation and day to day maintenance of CONTI+ sensor taps is simple. Models such as the CONTI+ Ultra enable easy maintenance with no need to shut off the water at the angle stop valve, thanks for the unique interval TwistStop feature – turning the valve module automatically shuts off the water supply.
CONTI+ taps also offer OneTool service, whereby all parts can be changed without the use of tools and all service operations are carried out above the washstand surface. Spare parts are standardised, meaning estates teams only need to stock a limited number of parts for servicing taps and shower units. Units are powered by standard AA batteries without the need to purchase from specialised suppliers.
Find out more
To find out more you can read the whole of this article from the Health Estate Journal here or contact us to discuss how CONTI+ taps might work in your organisation.