Why waterless urinals are the most economical and environmental choice for your washroom
A common misconception regarding urinals is that they are an overly costly, environmentally damaging and high maintenance washroom product. URIMAT waterless urinals are far from this and effectively reduce the economic and environmental cost of a toilet visit.

A common misconception regarding urinals is that they are an overly costly, environmentally damaging and high maintenance washroom product. URIMAT waterless urinals are far from this and effectively reduce the economic and environmental cost of a toilet visit.
Myth one: Urinals are expensive to install and run
Whilst this may be true of traditional urinals it certainly isn’t true of waterless urinals. Each waterless urinals saves you around 100,000 litres of water per year, as a guide this equates to between £250 and £600 per year, making waterless urinals a vital way of cutting water usage and the associated costs.
In an Ecoprod survey, 75% of respondents reported savings on their water bill after fitting waterless urinals, cutting costs and allowing the initial expense of purchasing a waterless urinal to be paid back within as little as 4 ½ months. We have a waterless urinal payback calculator on our website that you can use to get an indication of what the payback period is likely to be for you. Waterless urinals are an ideal way of saving money and a worthy investment for any washroom.
Myth two: Urinals are environmentally damaging
This is certainly true of traditional flushing urinals which are extremely wasteful of water. However each URIMAT waterless urinal can save up to 100,000 litres of water every year equating to approximately 2 years of daily baths, a huge volume of water saved through one installation. Cutting water use also has a significant knock on effect on your carbon footprint – you save 175g of carbon for every cubic metre of water saved.
On top of saving significant amounts of water, URIMAT waterless urinals are made from recyclable polycarbonate manufactured in a carbon neutral process using 100% renewable power sources. Reject and end of life products can be recycled and reprocessed. Urinals also take away the need for a cubicle, reducing the amount of manufacturing needed per toilet and thus decreasing the environmental impact.
Waterless urinals are ecologically sound from their production to everyday use.
Myth three: Urinals need lots of maintenance
Again, this can certainly be true of traditional urinals but most definitely is not true for waterless urinals. Unlike traditional urinals, waterless urinals pass urine straight into the waste system and leave none in the urinal making them both easier to clean and much less likely to block so significantly easier and cheaper to maintain.
The lack of water flushing and no urine remaining in either the bowl or the pipes means that the pipe does not become scaled and cause a blockage that backs up into the urinal.
In addition to a longer lifetime, the easy clean surface of URIMAT urinals reduces the time that needs to be spent cleaning and a simple bacteria cleaning spray does the job perfectly. Waterless urinals take away the onerous maintenance process and extend a urinal’s lifetime, reducing the environmental impact of intensive cleaning.
Despite misconceptions surrounding the environmental impact and expense of urinals, URIMAT waterless urinals address these concerns whilst providing a sleek and modern look.
Contact us for more information on our wide range of waterless urinals and other water saving washroom technologies.